Simulation Using ModelSim Commands

Step 1: Setup

  • Create a new project from File. 

  • Set the Project Location and Project Name.
  • Click the Add Existing File button to choose the files for this project.

Step 2: Compilation

  • After selecting the files for the project, we need to compile them.

Step 3: Simulation

  • After successful compilation, we need to simulate the design.                 
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.testbench
  • To see the waveform
add wave -position insertpoint \
  • To see the waveform in a new window
view -new wave
add wave -position insertpoint \
  • If we want to invoke the schematic view, we need to use the -debugDB switch.    
vsim -debugDB -voptargs=+acc work.testbench
  • To quit the simulation,      
quit -sim

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