Eight Bit Adder | Verilog Code | VLSI

 Block Diagram of an Eight Bit Adder:

Here we will be making an eight  bit adder using 1 half-adder and 7 full-adder. This could also be made with all 8 full-adders. So what is the reason behind using 1 half-adder? We know, a full-adder requires three inputs, A, B and a previous state carry, Cint. So by using a half-adder we have generated that Cint and used it for the next full-adder and in this way we don't have to give an extra input.

Before understanding this code you must have a clear idea about the half-adder and full-adder modules, because in this code all that has been done is creating instances of those modules. 

Click here to read the full-adder post and to see the half-adder circuit and Verilog code, click here

Verilog Code:

module eightadder (A, B, sum, carry);
input [7:0] A;
input [7:0] B;
output [7:0] sum;
output carry;
wire [7:0] Cint;

half_adder a0 (                                                                        //created an instance of half_adder module
fulladder f1 (                                                                           //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f2 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f3 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f4 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f5 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f6 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
fulladder f7 (                                                                          //created an instance of fulladder module
                                                                   //Cin is the previous adders carry
assign carry=Cint[7];

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